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A member registered Jul 05, 2023

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dude what are you talking about? im not backpedaling on anything. the irony of you criticizing me on reading comprehension. 

"update that had NTR"? itch doesnt even have chapter 3. the last update was on 2021. 

"2 month old post"? the comment i replied to was a week old.

called out? by you? all you did was tell me to go back to living under a rock. and what am i supposed to deal with? you're arguing against points you pulled out of your ass. if anyone has anything to deal with, its you and the made up shit you're arguing with. staaaay maaaaaad 馃憣

馃槀馃槀馃槀  ur literally malding under the comment section of a porn game because a fictional character had sex with another fictional character that wasn't the character your snowflake ass were self-inserting into. 

i told him there wasn't ntr because there actually wasnt at least not anymore. it'd just be a shame if people wouldnt play the game thinking there actually was ntr. 馃槀 stay mad

There's no NTR lol, dudes talking mad shit. it's a great game.